SIR policies
Educational disclaimer and financial relationships
The products and content provided by the Society of Interventional Radiology through either the website or the SIR Learning Center are developed and presented by subject matter experts or curated materials from SIR and select journals and external web educational materials. The journal content is subject to review as per individual journal policy. Live presentations or recorded presentations from the SIR digital video library are considered to represent the work and opinions of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of SIR nor does SIR necessarily endorse the findings or conclusions reported by speakers.
As part of the dynamic nature of the field, off-label use of various devices or drugs may be discussed. Faculty are required to inform the audience when they are discussing off-label or unapproved uses of new devices or drugs as part of their original presentation. Some video content within educational courses might have been edited from its originally presented format to fit time constraints and the topics being covered.
Medicine is constantly evolving and, as such, SIR educational content should not be considered a substitute for traditional medical or professional advice. Patient care is often situationally dependent, and learners should seek advice on the treatment and performance of procedures based on their local practice. Learners should always check product instructions and clinical procedural recommendations to make sure they have the most up-to-date information. SIR make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or efficacy of the devices, procedures or educational material presented herein.
Amended: September 2021
The Society of Interventional Radiology is dedicated to providing balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all continuing medical education (CME) activities. The desired outcome is to conduct CME activities that are free of the appearance of or actual bias in favor of or against a commercial product, service or device in return for known or unknown personal and professional gain.
All of SIR's CME activities will adhere to the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). Further information about the ACCME may be found on their website.
To meet ACCME standards, financial relationships are collected by all those in charge of CME content, including presenters, planning committee members and content reviewers. Prior to the presentation of content, financial relationships are reviewed and if any relevant financial relationship is identified there are mitigation processes in place.
Amended: May 2023