Standardized reports
SIR's standardized reporting initiative is helping members with the integration of standardized and structured reporting into IR practice.
Reporting templates for procedural and peri-procedural documentation
SIR advocates the adoption of practice paradigms that, above all, improve patient outcomes. Standardized reporting provides many benefits including a structured method to capture clinic data that can be customized to your clinic workflow. They also provide a seamless way to support your registry efforts.
These updated versions have been streamlined and revised to maximize efficiency and data capture.
SIR provides a comprehensive range of over 160 IR procedure report templates, covering various IR procedures, including interventional oncology, neuro, pain, pediatrics and more.
These reports are copyrighted by the Society of Interventional Radiology. Download and use of these templates indicates your agreement to use the files solely for your personal or facility use only. Users are not authorized to modify, change or otherwise improve the reports, except as indicated within the IR Standardized Reporting User Guide. Any reproduction, multi-use configuration or network distribution, transmission, publication, performance, broadcast, alteration, license, hyperlink, creation of derivative works or other use in whole or in part in any manner without the express prior written consent of SIR is strictly prohibited.
*Note: Standardized reports are provided in both rtf and xml PowerScribe-ready formats. New reporting templates will be generated and existing templates will be updated on an ongoing basis. Email for the previous version 3.0 reports.